Super Safari Ab Hurghada: An Unforgettable Desert Experience

Embark on an exhilarating Super Safari Ab Hurghada and immerse yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of the Egyptian desert. This action-packed excursion promises thrills, cultural encounters, and unforgettable memories. Here's what to expect on your Super Safari:

1. Quad Biking

Kick off your adventure with an adrenaline-pumping quad biking session through the desert dunes. Feel the rush as you navigate the sandy terrain, with the vast expanse of the desert stretching out before you. Quad biking offers an exciting way to explore the desert landscape and experience the thrill of off-road adventure.

2. Camel Riding

Next, experience the traditional mode of desert transport with a leisurely camel ride. Climb aboard these gentle creatures and sway across the desert sands as you take in panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Camel riding is not only a fun activity but also a chance to connect with Bedouin culture and history.

3. Bedouin Village Visit

Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of the Bedouin people with a visit to a local village. Learn about their nomadic way of life, explore traditional dwellings, and enjoy authentic Bedouin hospitality. Sample freshly brewed Bedouin tea, try your hand at baking traditional bread, and discover the art of henna painting.

4. Sunset Panorama

As the day draws to a close, witness the breathtaking beauty of a desert sunset from a panoramic viewpoint. Watch as the sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant colors, casting a golden glow over the endless sand dunes. The sunset panorama offers a serene moment of reflection amidst the tranquility of the desert.

5. Bedouin Dinner and Entertainment

Conclude your Super Safari with a sumptuous Bedouin dinner under the stars. Feast on a delicious barbecue dinner of grilled meats, salads, and traditional Egyptian dishes, accompanied by lively music and entertainment. Experience the warmth and hospitality of the Bedouin culture as you share stories and laughter around the campfire.

Tips for Your Super Safari Ab Hurghada

  • Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes suitable for desert terrain.
  • Bring sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Don't forget your camera to capture the stunning desert landscapes and memorable moments.
  • Respect local customs and traditions during your interactions with the Bedouin community.


A Super Safari Ab Hurghada offers a thrilling escape into the heart of the Egyptian desert, where you can experience the beauty of nature and the warmth of Bedouin hospitality. From quad biking and camel riding to sunset panoramas and traditional dinners, this excursion promises an unforgettable journey that will leave you with lasting memories of Egypt's magnificent desert landscape.


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